“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”  Jeremiah 29:11

Be intentional about your time with the Lord!

Position yourself to hear from God and Believe that the LORD will Speak

  • First, you need to find a quiet place. It may be a specific room in your home, your back porch, in your car; it may even be that you have to lock yourself in the bathroom or a closet to get some time alone with the Lord, but JUST DO IT!!! Expect God to meet you there each day, even if it is just for 5 or 10 minutes.
    • Engage in the presence of God
    • Ask what does it mean for me.
  • Look for the 5 W’s & “H” in the text
    • Who is the text talking about?
    • What happened?
    • Where did it take place?
    • When did it take place?
    • Why did it happen?
    • How did it happen?

Now Make it Personal… Dig Deeper

  • What is the Lord revealing to you about Himself?
  • What is the Lord teaching you?
  • Be obedient to what the Lord is showing/telling you

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